
2023 Annual General Meetings

Associate artists, vote on the annual reports and elect your representatives online from 30 May to 26 June 2023

Associate members, vote online between 30 May and 26 June 2023

Adami belongs to artists: have your say on the management of your organisation and elect your representatives

→ The ballot is closed

You know where your money comes from and where it goes: you give your opinion on the annual accounts, the 2022 transparency report and management decisions.

You take part in the governance of your organisation: you vote on the reform of Adami’s articles of association and general regulations.

You ensure that your representatives alternate: you elect 8 of the 24 members of the Board of Directors, a third of whom are renewed every year, and 3 of the 6 members of the Supervisory Board, half of whom are renewed every two years.

> Presentation of candidates for the Board of Directors (in French)

> Presentation of candidates for the Supervisory Board (in French)

→ Your voting ID is shown on the invitation to the 2023 Annual General Meetings received by e-mail or post.*

The documents submitted for your vote can be consulted directly on the voting site.

> You can also consult them in your Adami account 

NOTE: if access to the “My Account” site is interrupted, all the documents submitted for voting and the lists of candidates can be consulted on the voting site.


Calendar of 2023 Annual General Meetings:

  • 30 May at 9 a.m. to 26 June at 6.30 p.m.: online voting opens
  • Monday 26 June: the Ordinary and Extraordinary Annual General Meetings will be broadcast online from 1.30pm.
    Associate members will receive the information they need to ask questions and connect remotely in good time before the meeting.


> The Articles of Association and General Regulations
> Find out more about governance


* Find out how to retrieve your login details : how to access the voting website


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