
Adami Right to the Heart: artists’ solidarity

The beneficiaries of this social assistance are performers confronted with accidents of life, which impact their personal or professional situation.

This one-off assistance is means-tested.

Right to the Heart: social assistance

The beneficiaries of this aid are performers confronted with an accident of life which is characterized by a sudden breakdown in financial resources or by the occurrence of exceptional and unforeseeable charges.

This one-time aid is granted in terms of resources.

The events that may give entitlement to assistance are:

  • Loss of unemployment or daily benefits
  • Loss of employment without substitute resources
  • Death of spouse
  • Break in common life
  • Funeral expenses (*)
  • Exceptional health expenses not covered by insurance
  • Accident, fire or natural disaster

(*) In the event of the death of the performer, her/his uncovered funeral expenses may qualify to social assistance, subject to the means of its beneficiaries.

The following documents are necessary for the study of the case and the allocation of the aid:

→ A letter describing the situation of the artist-performer in difficulty (or of the family in the event of death) and justifying the request for assistance and a career record or curriculum vitae (with filmography and / or discography)
→ Supporting documents for the alleged financial situation,
→ The last two annual notices of tax situation (taxation or non-taxation), housing tax and property tax,

Depending on the applicant’s personal situation:

  • You are a salaried artist:
    • Last six payslips
    • Notice of situation from the employment center indicating the duration of your compensation
    • “Congés spectacles” certificates for the last two years
  • You are an artist producer:
    • “Congés spectacles” certificates for the last two years
    • Social security agency declarations and balance sheet
  • You are retired:
    • Retirement certificates
    • “Congés spectacles” certificates for the last two years

→ Bank details
→ “Revenu de solidarité active” certificates
→ In the event of the death of the performer, death certificate and proof of expenses not covered for funeral expenses

The commission which examines and allocates aid will meet twice a month (except in July and August).

Within the limits of the available budget up to a maximum of 3000€.

12-month period between 2 accepted requests

Aid is limited to 3 accepted requests



Requests for help are sent by email (*) :



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