

Statutes – Article 20 – Statutory commissions

The Statutory Commissions are accountable to the Board of Directors. They report to it directly.

The Statutory Commissions act by delegation from the Board of Directors.

There shall be five permanent commissions, which may be supplemented by ad hoc commissions as referred to in Article 20.8.

The Board of Directors appoints the members of the Commissions by a simple majority of the directors present or represented under the conditions laid down in Article 2.2 of the General Regulation. Voting takes place by secret ballot. In the event of a tie, a second round of voting shall take place. If the tie persists at the end of the second round, a draw is made between the candidates having obtained the same number of votes.

Each director may only be appointed to a maximum of three statutory committees and one Artistic commissions. The Ad hoc Commissions are not included in this count.

The end of a director’s term of office shall automatically terminate any delegation granted to him by the Board of Directors within a Statutory Commission.

In the event of the death, resignation or dismissal of a member of a Commission, the Managing Director shall call to sit the candidate who received the greatest number of votes in the last appointments, taking into account, where applicable, the capacity and the reserved seat occupied by the member to be replaced. In the event of a tie, the winner will be drawn by lot.

The new member thus appointed shall remain in office until the expiry of the term of office of the member he replaces and may himself be replaced under the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph.

20.1 – Membership and term of office

The five Standing Commissions are:
– The Collection and Distribution Commission;
– The International Affairs Commission;
– The Finance and Budget Commission;
– The Performer Relations Commission;
– The Right to the Heart Commission.

Provided there are sufficient candidates, the Commissions are composed of six directors elected by the Board of Directors for the duration of their mandate, with the exception of the Finance and Budget Commission which is composed of seven members including the ex-officio Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Right to the Heart Commission which is composed of four members including the ex-officio Vice Chairman.

None of the following three professional categories may hold more than two seats in the Performer Relations Commission and the Perception and Distribution Commission:
– Drama performers;
– Variety, jazz and contemporary music performers;
– Opera singers, classical musicians, choreographic performers and conductors.

20.2 – General powers

The Statutory Commissions are responsible for assisting the Board of Directors, within the scope of its powers defined in Article 17.4, in the administration of the society.

They may be decision-making bodies, within the limits of the powers defined in these Statutes.

Their specific skills are defined in Articles 20.3 to 20.7 below.

20.3 – Collection and Distribution Commission

The Collection and Distribution Commission proposes and examines:
– The general policy of perception and distribution in application of the society’s stated purpose set out in Article 4 to be presented by the Board of Directors at the vote of the General Assembly;
– The allocation rules and any modifications to be proposed to the Board of Directors.

It proposes, examines and validates the distribution procedures in accordance with the general policy and rules referred to above.

The Commission meets at least three times a year and as many times as necessary to enable it to fulfil its remit.

The Committee on Collection and Distribution is the decision-maker for any question relating to the distribution procedures on the agenda when its decisions are taken unanimously by the members present, subject to compliance with the general distribution policy approved by the General Assembly.

In its other responsibilities, it submits its opinions to the Board of Directors.

The Commission shall communicate the minutes of its meetings to the Board of Directors.

20.4 – International Affairs Commission

The International Affairs Commission proposes, examines and approves:
– Representation agreements concluded with French or foreign counterpart societies;
– The general policy on representing and defending the rights of performers internationally.
It shall examine and propose to the Board of Directors the society’s policy on relations with international societies whose scope of action covers the stated purpose set out in Article 4.

The International Affairs Committee shall be a decision-making body in cases where its decisions are taken unanimously by the members present, on any matter within its remit, included in its agenda.

It may, however, decide to submit its opinions to the Board of Directors.

The Commission meets at least three times a year and as many times as necessary to enable it to fulfil its remit.

The Commission shall communicate the minutes of its meetings to the Board of Directors.

20.5 – Finance and Budget Commission

The Finance and Budget Commission is responsible for issuing opinions on:
– The preparation of the society’s budget, in collaboration with the departments concerned, before its presentation to the Board of Directors;
– The implementation of the society’s budget during the year;
– The annual accounts before their presentation to the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board;
– The financial management of the society in general, and therefore any expenses incurred on its behalf, by its staff including the Managing Director by the Managing Director, the Board of Directors, and the Commissions;
–  The society’s general income investment policy.

The remit of the Commission extends to any entity which is majority funded by the society or in which it holds all or part of the share capital.

The Finance and Budget Commission is not a decision-making body.

The Commission meets at least three times a year to review reports, review annual accounts and prepare the budget. However, it may be convened at any time by its Chairman, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or the Managing Director if they consider that the circumstances require it.

The Commission may request the assistance, at the society’s expense, of an expert responsible for any audit or study which it deems useful.

The Commission shall communicate its opinions to the Board of Directors.

20.6 – Performer Relations Commission

The Performer Relations Commission shall act in accordance with the rules of admission on special cases or disputes concerning applications for admission sent by performers or their successors in title, holders by inheritance or legacy, presented to it.

It reviews and proposes to the Board of Directors:
– Changes to the admission rules;
– The general policy of relations with performers, and in particular the services that may be provided to them by the society in accordance with its stated purpose.

The Commission is the decision-making body for any question relating to the applications for admission included on the agenda when its decisions are made unanimously by the members present.

In its other responsibilities, it submits its opinions to the Board of Directors.

The Commission meets at least three times a year and as many times as necessary to allow the examination of admission applications submitted to it.

The Commission shall communicate the minutes of its meetings to the Board of Directors.

20.7 – Right to the Heart Commission

The Right to the Heart Commission is composed of four members appointed in accordance with Article 20.1:
–  The Vice-President in accordance with his powers set out in Article 19.4.2;
– Two elected members of the Board of Directors;
–  An associate performer chosen by the Board of Directors for a term of office of one year from his appointment after the Annual General Assembly.

The Commission shall be supplemented by an external member appointed by the Managing Director and the Vice-President, with advisory powers and professional social assistance skills.

The Right to the Heart Commission examines and allocates the aid defined by the Board of Directors for social action in accordance with Article 13.1.2 of these Statutes or the legal provisions in force.

The Right to the Heart Commission is a decision-making body with the exception of requests for assistance that exceed the individual ceiling set by the Board of Directors or that concern a member of an elected body, and which it must submit for the opinion of the Managing Director and the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Right to the Heart Commission meets at least ten times a year and as many times as necessary to allow the examination of cases. It may meet in a restricted session depending on the urgency of the situation and depending on the cases to be addressed, as decided by the Board of Directors. The Vice-Chairman shall report annually to the Board of Directors on his activities, subject to an enhanced confidentiality obligation due to the nature of his tasks.

20.8 – Ad hoc commissions

The Board of Directors may set up ad hoc commissions with an advisory role, whose purpose, composition and duration it shall determine, but which may not exceed the time remaining until the next ordinary annual General Assembly.

At the end of their work, the ad hoc commissions shall submit a report or proposals to the Board of Directors for information or decision.

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