

Statutes – Article 21 – Artistic commissions

The Artistic Commissions are responsible for allocating the grants defined in article L.324-17 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The Artistic Commissions act by delegation from the Board of Directors, to whom they are accountable. They report to the Board.

21.1 – Membership

There are two Artistic Commissions:
– Artistic Commission for Music ;
– Artistic Commission for Theatre, Audiovisual and Dance.

Subject to sufficient nominations, each Artistic Commission is made up of a maximum of fourteen members, including a minimum of one and a maximum of three Board members, with the status of Board member being assessed at the time of each renewal. As an exception, depending on the outcome of the elections to the Board of Directors, this minimum and maximum may not apply during the period between the election of the Board of Directors and the appointment of the Artistic Commissions. In the event of the absence of a Director, a representative chosen by the Executive Board from the Board of Directors will serve during the waiting period.

Provided that the number of candidates is sufficient, the Artistic Commission for Music shall be composed, including members of the Board of Directors, with seats reserved according to the following categories of professional activity:
– Seven contemporary music artists,
– Four classical, baroque, opera or contemporary music artists,
– Three jazz artists.

In the absence of sufficient candidates in one of the reserved categories, the Board of Directors may appoint the missing member(s) among the candidates of another reserved category.

Provided that the number of candidates is sufficient, the Artistic Commissions shall be composed of no more than one-third of the members aged 70 or over on the date of the call for applications. They are divided into the number of votes received at the time of their appointment.

21.2 – Appointment and term of office

The members of the Artistic Commissions are appointed by the Board of Directors following a call for candidates, the procedures of which are set out in article 2.6 of the General Regulation.

At the end of the nomination period, the Board of Directors will appoint the members of the Artistic Commissions by a simple majority of the Board members present or represented in accordance with the conditions Article 2.2 of the General Regulation.

Voting is by secret ballot. In the event of a tie, a second ballot is held. If there is still a tie after the second round, lots are drawn between the candidates with the same number of votes.

In the event of a single application in one or other of the reserved categories, the associate member candidate is designated automatically.

Each director may only be appointed to a maximum of one Artistic Commission and three Statutory Commissions.

The term of office of the associate members appointed to each of the Artistic Commissions is two calendar years. Half of the members of each Artistic Commission are renewed each year in accordance with the conditions provided for in Article 2.6 of the General Regulation.

Appointed members are subject to a one-year ineligibility period after two successive terms of office and may serve a maximum of four terms of office for all categories of reserved seats combined.

In the event of the death, resignation or dismissal of a member of an Artistic Commission, the Board of Directors will meet to appoint the new member from among the candidates who stood for the same election, under the conditions set out in Article 2.6 of the General Regulations. The member thus appointed will remain in office until expiry of the term of office of the member he replaces.

21.3 – Powers

The purpose of the Artistic Commissions is to set and allocate the amount of selective aid granted in accordance with Article L.324-17 of the French Intellectual Property Code, the scope of which is defined by the Board of Directors.

They examine applications for selective aid submitted by candidates eligible for the criteria set by the Board of Directors.

They allocate them within the limits of their powers and the budget set each year by the Board of Directors under Article 17.4.4 of the Statutes.

The Artistic Commissions may be referred to on any matters relating to an “automatic” aid request.

Transitional provisions

The appointment of Artistic Commission members as defined in the above paragraphs will come into force as from 1 January 2025.

The members elected at the appointment of the four Selection Committees in December 2022 will be transferred on 1 January 2024 to one or other of the Artistic Commissions depending on which of the reserved seats they belong to, in order to fill the number of seats on each of the Commissions for a period of one year from 1st January to 31st December 2024. There will no call for candidates at the end of 2023 and certain members whose term of office expires on 31 December 2023, may have their term of office extended by one year, until 31 December 2024, upon appointment by the Board of Directors, which will meet exceptionally before the end of 2023 for this purpose.

In addition, and to ensure the transition between the four Artistic Commissions and the two Artistic Commissions and notwithstanding paragraph 2 of article 21-1 above, each Artistic Commission will be made up of a maximum of 15 associate members for the period defined in the above paragraph.

The additional seat over and above the number defined in Article 21-2 will be appointed by the Board of Directors, meeting as defined in the above paragraph, from among the members of the Artistic Commissions whose term of office expires on expire on 31 December 2023, in one or other of the categories reserved within the Commission. It may also be awarded to the Board of Directors member in charge of artistic and cultural activities in either of the two Commissions.

In order to implement the renewal by half of the members of the Artistic Commissions, and as an exception to the two-year term of office provided for in article 21-2, the term of office of members appointed following a call for at the end of 2024 will be fixed according to the seats reserved in ascending order of votes obtained, as follows:

For the Artistic Commission for Music:
– for the seats reserved for classical music artists, 2 elected with the lowest number of votes will be elected for one year, 2 elected with the highest number of votes will be elected for two years.
– for the seats reserved for jazz artists, 1 elected with the lowest number of votes will be elected for one year, 2 elected with the highest number of votes will be elected for two years.
– for the seats reserved for contemporary music artists, 4 elected with the lowest number of votes will be elected for one year, 3 elected with the highest number of votes will be elected for two years.

For the Artistic Commission for Theatre, Audiovisual and Dance:
– for the seats reserved for dramatic artists, 5 elected with the lowest number of votes will be elected for one year, 6 elected with the highest number of votes will be elected for two years.
– for the seats reserved for choreographic artists, the 2 elected with the lowest number of votes will be elected for one year, 1 elected with the highest number of votes will be elected for two years.

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