
Take part in the life of Adami


General assembly meetings

How to vote

Instructions for voting at the Ordinary  General Meetings

The voting site is open from 17 May at 9am to 17 June 2024 at 6pm (Paris time)

How do I vote?

On the home page:

→ Read the corporate documents presented at the AGM and the presentation of candidates for election to the Board of Directors  in the General Meetings file.

These documents can also be consulted by resolution during the voting stages.

Select the “I vote” button to access the voting on the resolutions.

Election of the 8 members of the Board of Directors :

→ Read the presentation of the candidates and vote for the candidates of your choice by following the instructions on the screen.

Confirm your vote by clicking on “I confirm my vote”.


Please note: once you have clicked on the “I validate my vote” button, your vote is definitively recorded and cannot be undone.

Confirmation of receipt

You can print out or send to your e-mail address a confirmation that your vote has been taken into account.


The voting service is provided by Gedivote, an experienced and specialised technical service provider.
The voting system is also certified by an independent expert, guaranteeing the anonymity, confidentiality and reliability of the vote.

Do you need help?
A helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

by telephone on 02 96 50 50 50 or from abroad on 00 02 96 50 50 50

or by e-mail: mesquestions-ag[at]

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How to access the voting site

Instructions for voting at the Ordinary  General Meetings on 17 June 2024

The voting site is open from 17 May at 9am to 17 June 2024 at 6pm (Paris time)

Access the voting site

1 | You received your notice of meeting and access to the voting site by e-mail

Follow the instructions in the e-mail to access the voting site.

Click on the Log in to vote button to identify yourself
Enter your voting ID
Enter your password

Please note: for security reasons, you will receive your password in a separate e-mail.

2 | You have received your invitation and login details by post

Access the secure voting site
Enter your personalised voting ID and password, which can be found in the top left-hand corner of the invitation.

3 | You have not received your voting ID

Access the secure voting site
Click on the link: “I have not received my voting ID”.
Fill in the relevant fields
You will receive your ID by e-mail


Do you need help?

A helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
by telephone on 02 96 50 50 50 or from abroad on 00 02 96 50 50 50
or by e-mail: mesquestions-ag[at]

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The Administrative Council

Composed of 24 Adami members, the Administrative Council directs and supervises the activity of the society in collaboration with its manager.

Its members are elected for 3 years by the General assembly of the Adami members. One-third of its members are renewed each year.

A call for applications is made before with the the Adami members.

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The supervisory committee

The Supervisory Committee controls the activity of the Administrative Council. It is the link between the General Assembly of all members of Adami and their society.

The 6 members of this committee are Adami members elected for 4 years by the general assembly. Half of its members are renewed every 2 years.

A call for applications is made to Adami members.

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The performers commission

The performers commission

The artist relations commission (article 20.6 of the Adami statutes) is composed exclusively of associate artists elected by the board of directors. It meets at least 3 times a year and decides, in accordance with the rules of admission, on particular cases or disputes concerning applications for admission submitted by performers or their successors, beneficiaries by inheritance or legacy.

It shall examine and propose to the Board of Directors :

  • Changes to the rules of admission;
  • The general policy of the relationship with performers, and in particular the services that may be rendered to them by the society in accordance with its corporate purpose.
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The artistic commissions

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