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Performers' Services organisation: Rights Management, Project Funding, Advocacy and Career Counseling.


An organisation created and administered by artists

Associate members, holders of a social share, participate in the life of their society through deliberating and voting the resolutions submitted to them at annual general assemblies (ordinary and extraordinary) and by electing their Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee.

The 24 members of the Board of Directors and the 6 members of the Supervisory Committee are elected by the General Assembly.

They also have the opportunity to stand for election to the Board of Directors, the supervisory committee and the commissions awarding financial support to artistic projects.

> Statutes & General Regulation


Board of Directors

Reflecting the various professions performed by the performers, the Board of Directors is composed of 24 members divided into reserved seats. One-third of its members are renewed each year. This representativeness allows the members of the Board of Directors to defend the interests of one and the same profession: that of performer.

  • Drama performers

Véronique Ataly, Anne Bouvier, Nathalie Boyer, Didier Brice, Anne Dos Santos, François Dunoyer, Pierre Forest*, Dominique Frot*, Sam Karmann*,  Olivier Struk*, Valérie Vogt

  • Variety, jazz and contemporary music performers

Leslie Bourdin*, Jil Caplan, André Ceccarelli, Jessie Chaton*, Dorothée Hannequin, Karim Kacel, Annabelle Mouloudji,  Laurent de Wilde

  • Opera singers

Thomas Dolié*, Anne-Sophie Duprels

  • classical musicians and / or conductors

Annelise Clément, Karine Crocquenoy*

  • choreographic performer

Isabelle Gonzalez

* elected in June 2024

Executive board

Anne Bouvier, Chair of the Board of Directors

Annelise Clément, Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors

Karim Kacel, Artistic and Cultural Board of Directors member

Dorothée Hannequin, Chair of the Artists Relations Commission

Valérie Vogt, Chair of the Commission for Collection and Distribution

Sam Karmann, Chair of the International Affairs Commission

Laurent de Wilde, Chair of the Finance and Budget Commission

Artistic commissions

There are two Artistic Commissions:

  • Artistic Commission for Music ;
  • Artistic Commission for Theatre, Audiovisual and Dance.

These 2 commissions grant financial aid to artistic projects. Each commissions is made up of 14 associate artists elected by the Board of Directors following a call for candidates. They are elected for a period of 2 years, renewable by half each year. They are subject to a period of ineligibility of 1 year each time they have served 2 successive terms.

Statutory committees

4 statutory committees each composed of 6 members of the Board of Directors (7 for the Finances and Budget Committee): Artist Relations, Finances and Budget, Collection and Distribution, International Affairs assist the Board of Directors. They are elected by the Board of Directors for the duration of their mandate. Their chair sit on the Executive board.

The “Right to the Heart” commission composed of 4 members: the vice-president appointed ex officio, 2 administrators and 1 associate artist chosen by the Board of Directors for a term of one year from the date of his appointment by the annual general assembly.

Supervisory board

Monitors the implementation of the decisions voted on. The 6 members of the supervisory board are associate artists elected for 4 years by the general assembly. Half of its members are renewed every 2 years. They must respect a period of ineligibility of 2 years after 2 successive terms of office.

Souad Amidou, Dick Annegarn, Valérie Ekoumè, Olivia Lancelot (President), Sylvain Morizet, Chloé Robineau (Robi)

May 2024

Ethics committee

The Ethics Committee is made up of leading figures in the fields of law, the arts and the humanities, appointed for three years by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Managing Director and the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Ethics Committee assists the Managing Director and the Board of Directors in implementing the rules applicable to the bodies and ensuring that they are complied with. It prevents and identifies situations of conflict of interest encountered by members of the company’s governing bodies.

Anne-Elisabeth Crédeville (honorary magistrate and vice-president of the CSPLA), Pierre-François Racine (judge at the OECD administrative tribunal) and Christian Phéline (president of Hadopi from 2012 to 2018).

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