
Fair Internet for Performers

Sign the European petition to make the Internet fair for performers!

The Adami is a member of the European organization AEPO-Artis “Association of European Performers’ Organizations” which groups together 36 collective management organizations and whose purpose / mission is to promote and defend the rights of performers at the European level.
The number of performers represented by the 36 AEPO-Artis member organizations is estimated at between 400,000 and 500,000 people.

AEPO-Artis is a member of the Fair Internet for Performers coalition of European performers, which advocates for a fair remuneration for artists for the online exploitation of their performances.

This coalition is conducting an intense and continuous campaign on a European scale to demand the creation of this right to remuneration based on the principle of an interest in the success of works in which they participate regardless of their exploitation. It brings together, besides AEPO-Artis, the FIM, EuroFIA and the IAO organization, representing so-called “main” artists of the music.

This campaign is based on an online petition “Make fair Internet for performers!” calling artists to support this mobilization.

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