
Performers and artificial intelligence

Between concern and solutions: Adami asks performers about artificial intelligence in a new study

AI : great concern, differing opinions and a solution

Artists are particularly affected by artificial intelligence, especially its “generative” branch, which feeds on their creations, texts, music, voices, bodies… What is their relationship with this technology? How do they experience it? How do they control it? How can they benefit from it? Adami asked these questions to performing artists in October 2024.

1 – Are you worried that artificial intelligence (AI) will challenge the practice of your profession in the coming years?


2 – What do you think are the main advantages that AI could bring to your profession?

Automation of technical tasks 55%
AI-assisted creation 26%
Enhanced stage performances (holograms, digital effects…) 41%
Others 25%


3 – What risks do you think artificial intelligence could pose for performing artists?

4 – Finally, is AI more of an advantage or a risk?


5 – Which item corresponds to your point of view?

→ Would you be in favor of taking action to limit the use of AI in your professions as much as possible?

→ Do you consider this technology inevitable and therefore believe it should be regulated with rules of transparency and fair compensation?

6 – Would you prefer to prohibit any use of your work by AI or to authorize it in exchange for compensation?

7 – If compensation mechanisms were to be established for the use of your work by AI, who do you think should manage these compensations:

Directly yourself with AI companies 15 %
Your producer   8 %
Your collective management organization 67 %
Others 11 %


8 – Do you already perceive the impacts of AI on your profession?

YES 53 %
NO 47 %


A survey by Adami of 941 performing artists conducted in October 2024

> Download PDF: Artists and artificial intelligence infographic (october 2024)

> Read more: Les artistes-interprètes face à l’intelligence artificielle (in French – info-lettre aux artistes – octobre 2023)

> Read more: Les artistes québécois s’interrogent face aux progrès de l’IA (in French – Le Monde – 8 octobre 2024)


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