
Adami Award of the Citizen Artist

Samuel Le Bihan winner of the 2019 award

Adami supports each year through the Artist Citizen Award, artists who get involved and mobilize for causes they hold dear.

Adami is pleased to award it to the actor Samuel Le Bihan, who succeeded Angélique Kidjo in 2018 and Zahia Ziouani in 2017.

An artist with multiple commitments

For fifteen years, Samuel Le Bihan has been involved in various causes and has been the sponsor of numerous associations. He has traveled the world to testify through reports and documentaries of the state of emergency of several countries such as Liberia, Haiti, Darfur or Mongolia.

In 2014, he goes further by co-founding Earthwake with former leaders of Action Against Hunger. The association fights against the plague of plastic pollution in emerging countries, by recycling them and transforming them into renewable energies, reinvested in the service of society.

En 2018, c’est une cause qui le touche personnellement en tant que père, l’autisme, qui l’amène à fonder avec Florent Chapel, ancien président du Collectif Autisme France, Autisme Info Service, plateforme gratuite d’aide, d’orientation, d’information et d’écoute pour les personnes porteuses de troubles autistiques et leur entourage.

Endowed with 10,000 euros, the rewarded artist donates this sum to the citizen structure of his choice. Samuel Le Bihan decided to support with this Adami Award of the artist 2019 citizen to these two associations as well as the association Autisme sans frontières.

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